July 1, 2021 - July 17, 2021
4:55 pm - 11:55 pm
Thank you for your interest in Fall Art Classes at Maureen Marks Art! Below is a description of classes. If a spot becomes available you will be contacted in late July or August before any spots are opened up to the public. Please feel free to reach out if you have further questions: artgirl1965@gmail.com or 717-545-5815.
For current class schedule and to register please visit the calendar tab on the website and look for the class you are interested in. You may need to scroll ahead to the month class sessions start. Fall session is Sept-Nov, Winter is Jan-March and Spring session is April-May. Click on the class and all the info will pop up!
Little Brushes: Ages 3 to Kindergarten. Preschoolers must attend with an adult that can sit and assist. Kindergarteners are a drop off. This is a great introduction to the world of art! Students will draw, paint and create 3-D art based on the world around them. Learn the necessary building blocks of art while having fun! Lots of step by step directions are given so everyone can learn with confidence.
Level 1: Grades 1-2. Students continue to explore drawing, painting and 3-D art while a little more emphasis is on stretching the project to become their own. Guided steps are still provided, but students can add, change and mix it up to their heart’s desire! Subjects include the world around them, using their imagination and famous artists.
Level 2: Grades 3-4. Students will continue to learn important building blocks such as painting, drawing, sculpting, as well as basic shading and basic perspective. Craftsmanship and making their project their own are emphasized. The subject matter is always fun, but they will be challenged a bit more to make themselves a better artist!
Level 3: Grades 5-7. Students who are serious about learning to draw and paint will love this class! In this class students will explore drawing, painting, figure drawing, printmaking, mixed media, a little 3D art and more! An emphasis on drawing and painting, making each project your own and craftsmanship are emphasized.
Level 4: Grades 8-10. This class is primarily drawing and painting. Occasionally lessons on printmaking, mixed media and 3D art are done. Students are given concepts, such as create a personal mandala, and are encouraged to come up with a unique design to fit the project parameters. Lots of tips on how to improve their drawing, how to really “see” when drawing from observation, and craftsmanship are emphasized. They are often given choices on which media to use for their project.
Beginner Drawing: Grades 1-5. This is great for those who really need the starting skills to be a better drawer. Most drawings are a directed drawing format (teacher shows a step, students draw step, etc.) Lots of help is given individually to make adjustments to drawings. Observation is emphasized as it’s the key to drawing! Most projects will have color added to them with watercolor, colored pencil or markers. Great for siblings to do together!
Canvas and Clay: Grades 1-5. This class has a focus on creating things with air dry and polymer (oven baked) clay. No kiln projects or wheel throwing is part of the class as the studio does not have that equipment. Canvas paintings are the other focal point of the class. Students do their own drawing (no tracers) and will learn important building block skills. Usually ½ the projects are clay and ½ are canvas, but sometimes they are combined for a mixed media approach.
Teen Scene: Ages 12-18. This class is not run as a session, but will pop up throughout the year as single class events. This allows teens with busy schedules to squeeze in some art when they can! Things such as resin art, jewelry, painting, and other fun, trendy art projects will be offered! Usually these are more craft focused than drawing and painting.
Intermediate Drawing: Grades 7 to 12. Grade 6 will be considered. Contact artgirl1965@gmail.com to inquire. For those who have taken art classes either in school or in a studio. Some basic knowledge should have been acquired before taking this class. Students will sharpen their drawing and painting skills. Each project is designed to master 1-2 techniques/concepts and 1-2 art mediums. A specific subject will be chosen by the instructor so that the focus is on technique. For example, a drawing of a horse face with be done with graphite. Students would learn to draw the same face and be shown the techniques. They would not be given the option to choose a different animal or pose, but the techniques learned are a building block that they can take and apply to projects on their own. Learning skills is essential to being creative!