September 4, 2017
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Join us anytime from 10:30 am to 1:30 PM to paint a rock! If you can, please bring a clean and dry rock to paint. Some rocks will be available to paint, so no worries if you forget or can’t bring one. No RSVP is needed and the event is free. Here’s what this “rock thing” is all about:
Have you heard about the latest, coolest, most heart-warming trend out there? Painting rocks and hiding them in public places in hopes of bringing someone some joy is THE thing to do! After finding a rock, participants are asked to re-hide the rock and keep the joy spreading far and wide! Check out the inspiring videos on You Tube (type in The Kindness Rocks Project) to see how it all began and for some inspiration.
Thanks to my friend Lynn, a Facebook page for Harrisburg has been started. To join, just type in “Rock on Harrisburg” on the search bar of Facebook. You can post pictures of rocks you’ve painted and let others know where to hunt for them (ex.-here’s a rock I painted and it’s hidden in George Park!). On the bottom of the rock we will list the FB group name and the Instagram hashtag #rockonharrisburg so finders can post their find and let others know where to go find it next!
Please come and help us spread good vibes!!!!