May 23, 2021 - June 2, 2021
12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thank you for your camp registration! Your balance is due by June 1. Any late and unpaid balances will result in loss of spot in camp with no refund on deposit.
Please find your last name on the ticket to pay your balance OR select just the Venmo ticket if you prefer to pay that way. Teen Scene camp had a $50 deposit which leaves a $90 balance. If you have a gift certificate you’d like to use please email Maureen at maureen@maureenmarksart.com
If you prefer to pay with Venmo, please select ONLY the Venmo ticket and then search for “Maureen Marks Art” to pay your balance. You should see my business sign as the contact photo. Venmo payments must still be paid by June 1 for spot to be held.
I can’t wait to see everyone for camp!